
CentOS 5 でメールサーバ

CentOS 5 でメールサーバを構築してみた。

  • MTA: Postfix
  • POP/IMAP サーバ: Dovecot
  • DNS サーバ: Bind9
  • IMAP クライアント: SquirrelMail (Web Mail)
# yum groupinstall "DNS Name Server"
# chkconfig named on
# chkconfig --list named
# cd /var/named/chroot/etc
# cp -p /usr/share/doc/bind-9.3.4/sample/etc/* .
# vi named.conf
# chown root:named *
# cd /var/named/chroot/var/named
# cp -p /usr/share/doc/bind-9.3.4/sample/var/named/* .
# rm named.root
# wget ftp://ftp.rs.internic.net/domain/named.root
# vi example.com.db
# vi example.com.rev
# chown root:named *
# service named configtest
# service named start
# vi /etc/resolv.conf
# yum install postfix
# yum remove sendmail
# chkconfig postfix on
# chkconfig --list postfix
# cd /etc/postfix
# cp -p main.cf main.cf.orig
# vi main.cf
# postconf -n
# service postfix check
# service postfix restart
# yum install dovecot
# chkconfig dovecot on
# chkconfig --list dovecot
# service dovecot start
# yum install httpd
# chkconfig httpd on
# chkconfig --list httpd
# service httpd configtest
# service httpd start
# yum install squirrelmail
# less /usr/share/doc/squirrelmail-1.4.8/INSTALL
# cd /usr/share/squirrelmail/config
# ./conf.pl (/etc/squirrelmail/config.php が変更される。)
> [C Turn color off] で白文字が見えないのを解消する。
> [2. Server Settings]
>> [1. Domain]: example.com
>> [A. Update IMAP Settings]
>>> [8. Server software]: other
>>> [H. Hide IMAP Server Settings]
>> [R Return to Main Menu]
> [4. General Options]
>> [16. Only secure cookies if poss.]: false
>> [R Return to Main Menu]
> [10. Languages]
>> [1. Default Language]: ja_JP
>> [2. Default Charset]: iso-2022-jp
>> [R Return to Main Menu]
> [S Save data]
> [Q Quit]
ブラウザ [http://server-address/webmail/src/configtest.php] でチェック
ブラウザ [http://server-address/webmail] でログインできる。

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